Nature’s Cure For Arthritis May Have Been Found In Unlikeliest Place
Scientist’s discover hyaluronic acid, a natural joint lubrication compound, in the comb of roosters!
In 1996 scientists successfully extracted and purified the hyaluronic acid found within the rooster’s comb creating a now FDA approved product for the treatment and relief of knee pain resulting from Osteoarthritis. Nature has provided the human race with medical breakthroughs throughout recorded history. One example occurred in 1796 when Edward Jenner developed a method to protect people from smallpox by exposing them to the cowpox virus. In his famous experiment, he rubs pus from a dairymaid’s cowpox pustule into scratches on the arm of his gardener’s 8-year-old son, and then exposes him to smallpox six weeks later (which he does not develop). The process becomes known as vaccination from the Latin vacca for cow. Jenner is sometimes called the founding father of immunology.

Now although medicine has come a long way since the eighteenth century modern day scientists are still discovering the healing powers of nature in the unlikeliest of places every day. One current example of this resides in the red crest of the rooster’s comb. You see, this anatomical feature of male chickens is primarily made of a naturally occurring substance called hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is also present in humans, and is a primary ingredient in synovial fluid, the body’s natural joint lubricant. As we age and under the stress of continued use, the bodies synovial fluid can become depleted, especially in the knees which are the body’s largest weight bearing joint. This can lead to a reduction in joint space resulting in loss of cartilage, swelling, and discomfort, as well a reduced strength and limited range of motion. This process results in a condition known as Osteoarthritis of the knee, sometimes referred to as “wear and tear arthritis”. Until recently the primary arthritis treatments for Osteoarthritis of the knee were limited to corticosteroid injections, physical therapy, knee replacement surgery, or simply learning to live with the pain and frustration of a mobility limited lifestyle. That is of course until the rooster came along…
In 1996 scientists successfully extracted, purified, and concentrated the hyaluronic acid found within the rooster’s comb into a product used for the treatment and relief of knee pain resulting from Osteoarthritis. This product is now used as an alternative to surgery around the globe and has helped countless individuals regain their mobility and alleviate pain.
The future of healthcare in the United States is centered on addressing the healthcare concerns of the elderly. The “Baby Boomers”, and specifically the 85+ age group, represent the largest growing segment of the US population today. If you are interested in learning more about this aging trend I recommend reading this article, which was also endorsed by AARP: In 2007–2009, 50% of adults 65 years or older reported an arthritis diagnosis. (Source: MMWR 2010;59(39);1261-1265. [Data Source: 2007–2009 NHIS]) Addressing this growing health concern of the elderly can stimulate rapid growth of new patients as well as opening the door to tremendous revenue earnings potential.
Non-Surgical OA Knee Protocol
Integrative Practice Solutions, Inc. has developed a proprietary clinical intervention The Advanced Arthritis Relief Protocol™ that combines hyaluronic acid injections performed under fluoroscopic guidance with their own custom developed unloading knee bracing and specialized physical therapy protocols to deliver highly successful clinical outcomes. This unique treatment protocol is covered by most major insurance carriers including Medicare.
Find out if this treatment may be the right solution for your chronic knee pain patients. Contact Carlos Quiroga by calling 855-854-6332.Request a Private Consultation

Lance Liberti
President-Integrative Practice Solutions
About the Author: Lance Liberti is a nationally recognized healthcare consultant and new patient marketing professional with more than a decade of practical experience in the field. His experience spans multiple areas of practice including non-surgical spinal decompression, medically supervised weight loss, aesthetic medicine, and non-operative extremity pain management. The president and CEO of Integrative Practice Solutions, Inc. Mr. Liberti specializes in assisting health and wellness professionals integrate boutique medical services into their practices to offer non-surgical solutions to those suffering from various degenerative musculoskeletal conditions. To learn more about Mr. Liberti’s extensive experience and see examples of his work products view his LinkedIn profile here: